Our 27 yr old son has struggled with a substance use disorder since he was 12 to 15 yrs old. He is currently incarcerated after a horrible downward spiral these past six months…he has become emotionally and verbally abusive and I believe uses synthetic drugs so he can pass a drug screen…which unfortunately make him so psychotic it is difficult to see my beautiful son I thought I was raising.
He has spent much of his 20’s in jail because of probation violation…what a waste of his life and tax payer dollars. If he had cancer would he be put in jail for that disease and any relapses associate with it?…I think not!
He needs help in a structured environment for at least the next 22 to 18 mos so his brain can heal, the neurotransmitters that have been sent to outer space brought back to earth and normalized, and a recovery lifestyle embedded that he can learn to live with and accept..we have spent over $250,000 of our own money..this,should not be..other diseases have continuum’s of care that are reimbursed by insurers..this is what substance use disorders deserve as well. ..