I have a lot of health issues don’t have any health insurance i have tried to get help medicade and disability but in va. if your not leaglly blind or 62 or 65 years old you get nothing to me when you are disabled you are no matter what age you are you are this is crazy i also tried to get ssi ok ok my husbands income is low and it was $23 over the limit .and could not get it because that and married there something wrong with al this its crazy when u i have had a fushion in my back and need more back surgery i have problems with my neck because in the 90’s accident messed it up well i have fibromalygya and degenerative disc disease ,my back is in neck,under my bra,middle ,low back above the plates an screws,the dr. that done my surgery told me told me i had survere arthuritis l-4s1 need fixed when he fused l5-s1 one my thyroid is messed up i just a lot of feet problems the and hands fingers it swelled up also splitting tearing deep tares so painful at my heals and finger tips tears i have fissures ,lichen schlorsis and tears there also boarder line diabetic ,also acid reflux the back isues alone is bad enough and enough to disable ive been told by dr.’s that i need to be on my disabled ss.. any way just to let u no i do not have insurance my husband is disabled he only drawes his ss which is low income i do not draw anything i was raised up working at my dads saw mill and kfc then later on factory i just think its sad that i cant get help it takes over half of what we make for our medical each month on what we draw we have went several months in a row and not got groeries and not been able to pay our bills.we lost our home that we paid on for 17 years .thank you for the hearing me please make a difference and helping me ……..