Virginia Consumer Healthcare Alliance

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From the Alliance

Health Care Costs are Driven by a Number of Factors

The outlines of the Affordable Care Act replacement from House Republicans is starting to emerge but without a broad consensus.

Whether this comes with any agreement from Senate Republicans and/or the Trump Administration remains to be seen.

In other words, this is going to be a very difficult process with tough votes for the majority party which would like to have some support from the Democratic members of Congress in order to show some semblance of bipartisan governance.

The House GOP plan is similar to what Speaker Paul Ryan put out last year.

Several other issues are bubbling; namely the recent and influential news outlet Axios which did a piece on hospital CEO pay.

What the reporter fails to recognize in the labor market for CEOs is the legal liability that comes the job which is described in a Wall Street Journal op-ed by former CEO Howard Root.

Yes, health care costs are driven by a number of factors. Factors that are not always legislated.