I live in rural Lee county and it is so very sad to see people who need medical attention and lives are being lost because we don’t have a hospital! We need an emergency/urgent care so people can be stabilized until they can be sent to bristol and/or kingsport. Millions[…]
Insurance companies have too much red tape to negotiate an appeal on denial of coverage.
Recently, my general practitioner requested a lab sleep study for me back in Nov/Dec. I have had an individual policy with Anthem BCBS since being laid off from a catalog/retail company in 2009. The rhetoric for the Affordable Healthcare Act was to keep same coverage with same insurance company. My[…]
Even Healthcare professionals can’t afford healthcare!
As a Physician Assistant in rural southwestern VA, working with the area’s ONLY board certified Gastroenterologist in the surrounding 5 counties, we see countless folks who come to us sick sick sick, only to find out the medicines they need are completely unaffordable. Many procedures the need to diagnose and/or[…]
My nephew is 34 years old. He was raised in a loving Christian home and he is a good person with a big heart. He hurt his back at work and the doctor put him on OXYCONTIN. Yes, the drug of choice by the doctors these days. They seem to[…]
Chronic Pain Advocate
I have lived with Chronic Pain since November 1998. I was T-boned by a Druken driver & 18 years later I continue to live in Chronic Neck Pain. I am able to function under the care of EVMS Pain Management & Percocet. My quality of life of being able to[…]